RWRoute Partial Routing

Routes an example design (e.g. “picoblaze_partial.dcp”).

This example was designed to show the way to use RWRoute in the partial mode for wirelength-driven routing and validate routing results with Vivado.

Steps to Run

  1. Download the example picoblaze_partial.dcp design:

  1. Invoke RWRoute via gradle (this will ensure code is compiled before running):

rapidwright PartialRouter picoblaze_partial.dcp picoblaze_partial_routed.dcp --nonTimingDriven

Please refer to the documentation Javadoc and code for more implementation details. The Java source code for RWRoute is located in: src/com/xilinx/rapidwright/rwroute/.

Example Output

Example output using the picoblaze_partial.dcp design is included below:

==                                 RWRoute                                  ==
==                    Reading DCP: picoblaze_partial.dcp                    ==
 XML Parse & Device Load:     2.365s
                  EDIF Parse:     1.108s
            Read XDEF Header:     0.027s
            Read XDEF Caches:     0.148s
         Read XDEF Placement:     5.297s
           Read XDEF Routing:     3.486s
             [No GC] *Total*:    12.430s
==                               Route Design                               ==
                  Generated       RRG        Routed  Nodes With          Total Run
Iteration     RRG Nodes  Time (s)   Connections    Overlaps           Time (s)
---------  ----------------------   -----------  ----------   ----------------
   1            2705791     13.74         12144       10146              16.63
   2             689195      1.94          6496        5093               5.14
   3             482106      1.41          4037        1604               3.84
   4             292903      0.94          1609         298               2.49
   5             176537      0.54           336          45               1.62
   6             178330      0.61            59          10               1.20
   7             261196      1.40            12           2               2.83
   8             250050      1.75             3           0               2.65

INFO: Route 0 direct connections

INFO: No PIP overlaps

==                                Statistics                                ==
Total wirelength:                       101840
Route design:                           41.73s
├─ Initialization:                       2.10s
└─ Routing:                             39.62s
                  Write EDIF:     0.209s
         Writing XDEF Header:     1.744s
  Writing XDEF Placement:     5.939s
        Writing XDEF Routing:     3.902s
 Writing XDEF Finalizing:     0.246s
                 Writing XDC:     0.008s
             [No GC] *Total*:    12.048s

INFO: Write routed design

The output contains three main sections regarding reading the design checkpoint, RWRoute processing info, and routing statistics.

Validation with Vivado

  1. If you would like to visualize the original design shown in Vivado device view, run Vivado in its GUI mode:

  1. To load the original checkpoint, run the following command in the Tcl console:

open_checkpoint picoblaze_partial.dcp
  1. After the original checkpoint is loaded, to highlighted unrouted nets, run:

highlight_objects -color red [get_nets * -filter {ROUTE_STATUS == UNROUTED}]

As a result, the device view of Vivado will show:


Nets highlighted in red are unrouted.

  1. To check the route status of the origial design checkpoint, run:


The design route status is as follows:

Design Route Status
                                             :      # nets :
 ------------------------------------------- : ----------- :
 # of logical nets.......................... :      147009 :
     # of nets not needing routing.......... :       58434 :
         # of internally routed nets........ :       47124 :
         # of nets with no loads............ :       11132 :
         # of implicitly routed ports....... :         178 :
     # of routable nets..................... :       88575 :
         # of unrouted nets................. :       12144 :
         # of fully routed nets............. :       76431 :
     # of nets with routing errors.......... :           0 :
 ------------------------------------------- : ----------- :

It is shown that there are 12144 unrouted nets.

  1. To load the routed design checkpoint into Vivado and validate the routed design by RWRoute, run:

open_checkpoint picoblaze_partial_routed.dcp
Design Route Status
                                             :      # nets :
 ------------------------------------------- : ----------- :
 # of logical nets.......................... :      147009 :
     # of nets not needing routing.......... :       58434 :
         # of internally routed nets........ :       47124 :
         # of nets with no loads............ :       11132 :
         # of implicitly routed ports....... :         178 :
     # of routable nets..................... :       88575 :
         # of fully routed nets............. :       88575 :
     # of nets with routing errors.......... :           0 :
 ------------------------------------------- : ----------- :

The design is successfully routed, as all the routable nets are fully routed.