=============================== RapidWright IntelliJ Setup =============================== Step-by-Step Instructions =============================== 1. Make sure you have Java JDK 1.8 (or later) installed: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html Follow the instructions when running the downloaded executable. Add the ``$(YOUR_JDK_INSTALL_LOCATION)/jdk1.x.x_x/bin`` folder to your ``PATH`` environment variable. 2. Download IntelliJ: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/ 3. Install IntelliJ by running the setup executable. 4. Start IntelliJ, and naviagate through setting selection (if necessary) to the welcome screen. 5. Choose ``Open`` from the Welcome screen and navigate to the ``RapidWright`` directory where RapidWright has been installed, then click ``OK``. .. image:: images/intellij_start.png :width: 500px :align: center .. image:: images/intellij_open.png :width: 300px :align: center 6. The RapidWright project should open and IntelliJ may indicate that it is indexing the project. Click on the ``1:Project`` button at the top left sidebar, this will expand the project tree: .. image:: images/intellij_project.png :width: 600px :align: center .. image:: images/intellij_run_dev_browser.png :width: 600px :align: center 7. Expand the source tree to navigate to the DeviceBrowser class, ``RapidWright/src/com.xilinx.rapidwright/device/browser/DeviceBrowser`` as shown in the screenshot above. 8. (If running Linux, skip this step). In Windows, we need to set the GUI library jar to choose the win64 version instead of the lin64 (the default). In order to do this, Choose ``File->Project Structure...``, then select ``Libraries`` under ``Project Settings`` at the top left. this should produce a list of jar file names in the right window pane. Use the ``-`` and ``+`` buttons to remove the ``qtjambi-lin64*.jar`` and replace it with the ``qtjambi-win64*.jar`` respectively: .. image:: images/intellij_fix_lib.png :width: 600px :align: center 9. You should now be able to run any of the programs in RapidWright in the IntelliJ environment. For example, right-click on ``DeviceBrowser`` and choose ``Run DeviceBrowser.main()`` from the menu. If successful, the DeviceBrowser will run similar to the screenshot below: .. image:: images/intellij_running_dev_browser.png :width: 600px :align: center 10. The IntelliJ environment should be correctly configured at this point. If you have problems, try setting the ``RAPIDWRIGHT_PATH`` environment variable to point to your RapidWright install directory prior to running IntelliJ.