=============================== RapidWright Eclipse Setup =============================== Eclipse Step-by-Step Instructions =================================== 1. Make sure you have Java JDK 1.8 (or later) installed: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html Follow the instructions when running the downloaded executable. Add the ``$(YOUR_JDK_INSTALL_LOCATION)/jdk1.x.x_x/bin`` folder to your ``PATH`` environment variable. 2. Download Eclipse: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-ide-java-developers/oxygen2 3. Install Eclipse by extracting the archive into a desired folder on your computer 4. Run Eclipse (you may want to add the executable to your path) 5. In Eclipse, choose the File->Import... menu option. This will bring up a dialog, choose the Git/Projects from Git option as shown in the screenshot below (click Next): .. image:: images/ImportProject.png :width: 550px :align: center 6. Choose Clone URI and click Next: .. image:: images/CloneURI.png :width: 550px :align: center 7. Copy and paste ``https://github.com/Xilinx/RapidWright.git`` into the URI box as shown below. The Host and Repository path fields should automatically be populated. Enter user and password (if applicable). .. image:: images/URI.png :width: 550px :align: center 8. Choose the master branch, click next: .. image:: images/BranchSelection.png :width: 550px :align: center 9. Choose the location of where you want Eclipse to put your RapidWright workspace. Preferably, you should choose a workspace directory with any other Eclipse projects such as ``/home/user/workspace/RapidWright``. Click next to have Eclipse clone the repo into your workspace. .. image:: images/ProjectLocation.png :width: 550px :align: center Setup Eclipse with Existing Repo ================================== If you already have the RapidWright repository checked out, you can import it into an Eclipse workspace by following these steps (you can skip to Step 5 if you already have Eclipse installed and open) 1. Make sure you have Java JDK 1.8 (or later) installed: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html Follow the instructions when running the downloaded executable. Add the ``$(YOUR_JDK_INSTALL_LOCATION)/jdk1.x.x_x/bin`` folder to your ``PATH`` environment variable. 2. Download Eclipse: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-ide-java-developers/oxygen2 3. Install Eclipse by extracting the archive into a desired folder on your computer 4. Run Eclipse (you may want to add the executable to your path) 5. In Eclipse, choose the File->Import... menu option. This will bring up a dialog, choose the Git/Projects from Git option as shown in the screenshot below (click Next): .. image:: images/ImportExistingGitProject.png :width: 550px :align: center 6. Choose 'Existing local repository', then click Next .. image:: images/ImportExistingGitProject2.png :width: 550px :align: center 7. Select the existing repository by clicking the 'Add...' button .. image:: images/ImportExistingGitProject3.png :width: 550px :align: center 8. Enter the location of the repository in the 'Directory:' text box, check the box next to the name of the repo once it appears in the lower window. Click 'Finish' and then 'Next' on the previous window. .. image:: images/ImportExistingGitProject4.png :width: 550px :align: center 9. On the Wizard selection window, choose 'Import existing projects'. Then, click 'Next'. .. image:: images/ImportExistingGitProject5.png :width: 550px :align: center 10. Finally, click 'Finish' to finalize the import. .. image:: images/ImportExistingGitProject6.png :width: 550px :align: center 11. Eclipse will then import the project, compile all the source and it should look similar to the screenshot below: .. image:: images/ImportExistingGitProject7.png :width: 750px :align: center